I help individuals and organisations achieve their business goals and maximise their potential.

I am an Occupational Psychologist.

This means that I am an expert in the psychology of people at work.

I use this insight to help organisations bring the right people into the business, train and support them, and create inclusive environments where they can perform at their best.

  Here are some examples of the things I do:


Getting the right people in the right role:

Helping you design jobs and understand the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for success.

Designing and delivering interviews and/or other assessment activities: such as situational judgement tests, psychometric tests, or full assessment centres.

Identifying top talent and helping you create development/succession plans for them.


Training and Supporting Employees

Training Needs Analysis

Supporting you to design and deliver bespoke organisational training.

Delivering ‘Soft Skills’ development programmes.

Providing coaching and support.


Creating environments where employees can perform:

Helping you design and deliver culture change programmes.

Enhancing employee engagement, trust and communication.

Optimising physical working environments.

Promoting wellbeing.

Employee research (e.g. employee opinion surveys).


Supporting business owners with their own development:

Helping you to identify development needs and craft a personal development plan.

Providing executive coaching.

Supporting you with work-life balance and wellness.

Offering an independent Leadership Development Programme – complete the full programme or select stand-alone modules
